1 min read

Media Law lecture -- Sources

Questions from last week:

  • What is a §39 order?
  • Court can make an order to prevent the identification of person aged 17 and younger involved in criminal or civil proceedings.
  • What case prevents political entities suing for libel?
  • Darbisher County v. Telegraph (?)
  • Identifying a celebrity’s house?
  • PCC -- you should not identify somebody’s location.
  • Daniel Craig
  • Miz Dyna Mite
  • Deputy to Attorney General
  • Solicitor General -- Edward Garnier
  • Chatham House Rules
  • Rules of practice wherein a free and frank discussion can take place amongst individuals
  • You cannot attribute what was said in a meeting to a particular individual.
  • Main case in privacy law?
  • Naomi Campbell v. Mirror Group newspapers (House of Lords) 2004
  • EU Court of Human Rights: Princess Caroline Von Hanover v. Germany (2004)
  • Article 8 of Human Rights
  • Privacy
  • Article 10
  • Freedom of Expression

For next week:

  1. What are the rules on payments to witnesses in criminal cases? (PCC and Ofcom)
  2. Which forms of media are subject to a duty to report with due impartiality on political matters and matters of public controversy? Radio, television, Internet and newspapers?
  3. What does the regulation of investigative powers act (RIPA) prohibit journalists doing?
  4. What are the rules on reporting suicides? (PCC and Ofcom)
  5. What is ATVOD?
  6. Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), what is the difference between excluded material and special procedure material?

Protecting a Journalist’s Sources

  • Industry Codes
  • Practical considerations
  • Main themes
  • X v Morgan Grampian 1990
  • Goodwin v UK 1996
  • The Law
  • Prevention of crime
  • National security
  • Interests of Justice

Journalistic material and the police

  • PACE 1994
  • Journalistic material
  • Special procedure material
  • Tests
  • Excluded material
  • Sally Murrer
  • Terrorism Act 2000
  • Shiv Malik case